Accessibility in Games: Can I Play Too?
Accessibility vs difficulty
What are my definitions, how can they be different
Subtitles, different controllers, colour blind options
Where do they overlap?
What is developer vision?
How often do we actually have strong feelings about how our games should be played?
The player's experience is manipulated but not manufactured
Toxic masculinity & gatekeeping
Why "skill" and "overcoming challenge" are not relevant to every game
The right to your own perspective
Why "skill" and "overcoming challenge" are totally fine
You cannot invalidate someone else's reasons for subjectively enjoying something, no matter how hard you try
It's all in the mindset - Alpha Wolf
Separate what we enjoy from what people are "allowed" to do
If I need my credentials checked
I am not a highly skilled player
I have beaten dark souls 1, 2, 3 and bloodborne
Halfway through sekiro
I am a game developer
Should Sekiro be easier? If From Software decided it should be
Would difficulty settings undermine the point of the game? For me, not at all but this is down to the developer
They might make more money and be more popular if they do
You cannot force a creator's hand
Should games attempt to cater for those with disabilities? In my opinion, yes, where financially viable & where the it does not create massive design challenges
Should all games be completable by all players? No, I don't think this is a worthwhile goal
Is it a shame that some people can't experience games because of this? Yes
If we aim for all games to be played by everyone then we will lose the smaller, niche games along the way. I do think that games targeting the mainstream audience should cater for as many types of player as possible but ultimately that's up to them. If the market continues to reward From Software for designing games for a niche, challenge seeking audience then they will continue to do so.
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